Start 2015 Organically with ECO COCO
The beginning of a new year means fresh starts, new beginnings and often the hope of improving you lifestyle. Sometimes living a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done. However, there is more to ECO COCO than you think! After using these amazing products you will be nourishing your body without even realising.
Living well isn’t just about eating right and exercising it is about nourishing your body from head to toe. Starting from your hair! We all know that what we put on our hair, also absorbs into our scalp, into our skin and into our bloodstream and sends our liver into overdrive. This is why it is important to use products that contain a high amount of certified organic and naturally derived ingredients, just like ECO COCO. One of the main ingredients in our ECO COCO Shampoo and Conditioner is of course, Coconut Oil. Coconut Oil has a huge range of benefits for your hair and scalp including:
ECO COCO tan will nourish your skin AND give you a beautiful summer glow. The ECO COCO Tan and Tan extender also share Coconut Oil as their main ingredient. Coconut Oil boasts a plethora of benefits for your skin such as anti-aging and skin tightening effects through keeping the skin’s connective tissues strong. The formulated structure of Coconut oil is high in antioxidants and a beneficial acne treatment. Coconut Oil also offers high levels of hydration into your skin, which assists in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Coconut Oil’s moisturising properties give the skin an instant glow, as the oil is high in antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidants it gives the skin an instant glow. The Ferulic acid found in Coconut Oil reduces inflammation, repairing skin that has been dried out from the use of harsh peels or Retin-A.
Sometimes treating your body right is more than the obvious things such as diet and an active lifestyle. Click here to pick up your ECO COCO today.