How To Make Your ECO COCO Tan Last
ECO COCO is surely something to go coconuts over. Once you use it, you will findit hard to go a day without your ECO COCO glow! For an extra long lasting ECO COCO summer tan follow the steps below:
- EXFOLIATE, EXFOLIATE, EXFOLITAE! We can’t say it enough! Exfoliating is the key to your tan going on smoothly and lasting longer. Be sure to use our exfoliating glove to remove all dead skin and unblock paws so that the tan has an untouched surface to be applied onto. Not only does it scrub away dull and damaged skin, it encourages the growth of new healthy skin. Talk about a summer glow in more ways than one!
- MOISTURISE – When you are rocking ECO COCO be sure than your skin stays moisturised for a longer lasting tan. This can be done with our incredible Tan Extender and Moisturiser. Perfect for when you are happy with your ECO COCO colour and don’t want it to go darker by constantly reapplying. Instead, our Tan Extender and Moisturiser works in a way to keep your skin nourished, hydrated and will be sure to maintain a soft, natural glow.
- HAPPINESS- For your ECO COCO tan to really radiate, you need to let your happiness shine through! ECO COCO will have you glowing from the inside out!
For your ECO COCO tan, shop here